Overview about IdeaExchange
IdeaExchange - Provides the community a way to suggest an idea and vote on a idea and collaborate about the new product enhancements.
The popularity of the idea is measured by
The popularity of the idea is measured by
- Vote points ( 1 upvote = 10 points )
- Comments on the idea.
So lets see how a IdeaExchange works:
if you haave a new idea to suggest to Salesforce:
- Enter into success community success.salesforce.com
- Login with the Salesforce credentials
- Click Post your idea button
- Enter the Idea Title and see if the idea about to post already exists. If so go and upvote it else create the new idea.
- Spread the new idea in twitter, facebook and within the community so that it gets required points so that Salesforce will take it into considerations.
Idea Statuses:
Once the idea is created it will be set to the status "Under Point Threshold"
Under Point Threshold:
The idea is newly submitted or has not got enough point 2500 points(250 votes) for the Product Team Review.
Product Team Review:
After an Idea is reviewed by our Product Team, it will fall into one of two main groups based on its delivery potential.
When an Idea has potential for delivery, it will have one of the following statuses. As the Idea progresses through the product development process, the status will be updated accordingly.
Under Consideration: The Idea is being considered for a future release, however a release date has not been set and no development work has started. The Idea will be reviewed and updated every three releases until the road map plans change. Considered for Future Roadmap: Similar to "Under Consideration".
On Roadmap: The Idea is on our roadmap however a release date has not been set. The Idea will be updated when the feature is ready for delivery.
Pilot/Beta: The Idea is currently under development and available for testing as a Pilot/Beta feature.
Coming in the Next Release: The Idea is currently under development and is targeted for “General Availability” in the upcoming release. The Idea status will be updated to "Delivered" after the feature is released.
Partially Delivered: Part(s) of an Idea have been delivered and are generally available in the current release, however part(s) of the Idea remain undelivered. The Idea will be updated if the undelivered part(s) of the Idea are on the roadmap. Delivered: The Idea is delivered and is generally available. No further updates will be made to the Idea and voting will be disabled. Idea Already Exists:
Existing feature: The Idea is a feature that already exists in the product. No further updates will be made to the Idea.
AppExchange Solutions Available: The Idea is not on our roadmap but a solution is currently in AppExchange. No further updates will be made to the Idea unless future roadmap plans change.
Not Planned: The Idea is not under consideration for our short or long term roadmap. No further updates will be made to the Idea unless future roadmap plans change. |
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