JSON Generator

What is JSONGenerator?

  • JSONGenerator class methods allows you can generate standard JSON-encoded content.
  • It allows to construct JSON content, element by element, using the standard JSON encoding.
  • Various methods are provided in the JSONGenerator class.
In this post, various JSONGenerator class methods will be explained along with a sample JSON and the class to built the JSON-encoded content. 

Below are few important methods that will be used frequently

writeStartObject - Writes the starting marker of JSON object - {
writeEndObject - Writes the ending marker of JSON object - }
writeStartArray - Writes the starting marker of JSON Array - [
writeEndArray - Writes the starting marker of JSON Array - ]
writeFieldName - Writes the field name in the JSON
writeStringField - Writes the field name and the value pair using the specified field and string value
writeNumberField - Write the field name and the value pair using the specified field and number value.
getAsString - Returns the written JSON string

For more information on the JSONGenerator follow the below links


Let us consider the below JSON structure and query the account record to build this JSON using the JSONGenerator class.


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