Maintain folder structures for your project

Maintain folders structures for your projects, sounds it does not relate to salesforce anything right? Being a developer, working or worked on the multiple projects and maintaining the projects details, documentation, code is a difficult thing. A organization won't force you to maintain a folder structure but it will get really messy if not maintained well.

Organizing files on your computer is just like organizing anything else. Say you want to organize your clothes. You might sort each type of clothes into separate stacks. Then you might pair the socks or group all the shirts by color. Or, you could throw everything into one drawer and hope you can find the right pair of socks when you need it. And that's how we typically treat our files: we save files randomly to our Desktop and Documents folders, then waste time searching for files every day. Folder structures can help, just like drawers and dividers can keep your clothes organized. A folder structure is the way folders are organized on your computer. As folders are added over time, you can either keep them at the same level—like Folders 1, 2, and 3 in the chart below—or nest them within each other for a hierarchy—like Subfolders 1B and 1B-1 below. Nested folders generally make it easier to find specific files later, because you don’t have to sift through all your files at once.

Below are few advantages of maintaining a directory structure in your system:
  • Avoids duplication
  • Quick to access the project details and it definitely saves time.
Some of the few tips in general to maintain the folder structure:
  • Don't put your files on desktop.
  • Limit folder creation, instead create sub-folders to maintain it efficiently.
  • Don't keep any project folders in windows directory.
Let us take a Salesforce project implementation and various folder/directory structure that can be kept for efficient way to handle it. 
  • Make sure you have a work folder.
  • Create a sub folder Clients.
  • Create a sub folder projects inside the client folder.
  • Create filing folders in the projects
    • Documentation - All the projects documentation can be organized within this folder.
    • Backup - If you regularly take backups on the local machine you can this folder and following sub folders can be created. Make sure the backups name containing the date backup is taken.
      • Sandbox
      • Production.
    • Working copy- Let us consider you are using Eclipse IDE, make sure the project folder is configured to this directory in eclipse.
    • Code Repository- If you are using any code repository such as bitbucket or github, point to this folder and create sub folders based on the need. 
So here comes the order of the directory
  • Work
    • Clients
      • Projects
        • Documentation
        • Backup
          • Sandbox
          • Production
        • Working Copy
        • Code Repository
Though it sounds very simple thing, but this really helped me a lot in managing the projects well and saved a hell lot of time! 


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